Filthy Creations #7 review
Filthy Creations #7, edited and illustrated by author and illustrator, Rog Pile begins with The Wicket Man by Franklin Marsh a peculiarly English tale of a game of cricket gone spectacularly bizarre. As always Franklin Marsh drives with enthusiasm and humour to a dark but incredibly funny conclusion. The Architect’s Table by Penni McLaren Walker […]
Filthy Creations 7
Filthy Creations7 edited and illustrator by the notorious author and pencil man, Rog Pile presents the second episode in a major new serialisation: Sendings (a.k.a Moloch’s Children by David A Riley. Also this issue, part two of my novel, The Death Tableau. Both David A Riley and I had our first stories appear in […]
The Black Book of Horror
The Black Book of Horror contains eighteen excursions on the night train to Hell. Its driver, Charles Black, has garnered a dreadful bunch of passengers. Dreadful, only in the sense that if you listen to their tales you are going to do a lot of dreading. These authors are the ones you don’t take home […]
The Thinking Man’s Crumpet 3#
there is some eerie quality about Karataš’ work that defies analysis.