



Filthy Creations #7 review

Filthy Creations #7, edited and illustrated by author and illustrator, Rog Pile begins with The Wicket Man by Franklin Marsh a peculiarly English tale of a game of cricket gone spectacularly bizarre. As always Franklin Marsh drives with enthusiasm and humour to a dark but incredibly funny conclusion. The Architect’s Table by Penni McLaren Walker is a subtle and disturbing story of a draughtsman whose PC breaks down in the middle of a job. He has the fortune to find an old drawing board and for a while revels in the old days when pencil and paper were the thing. Unfortunately, the paper that goes with the table produces some brilliant inspirational drawings and some rather awful consequences. A well written tale from a relatively new author.

D F Lewis provides two short shorts -All Endings Are Happy and The Final Climax both excellent examples of the absurd.

Shapeshifter by Charles H Gallagher gives pointers to those weary people who wish to take their life. The sad vacuum of the living may be bad enough but perhaps worse awaits. In Mycelium by Robert Mammone, Tommy discovers a fairy ring in the forest but like some relationships, mushrooms can be poisonous. In this case, tragedy awaits the whole family when the mushrooms get mean.

Filthy Creations #7 presents the second episode in two new serialisations: Sendings (a.k.a Moloch’s Children) by David A Riley. And also The Death Tableau. by Craig Herbertson.

This is perhaps the best Filthy Creations to date not least because of the superb illustrations by Rog Pile.

Filthy Creations #7 costs £3.00 including p&p but is free for review.