Filthy Creations 7
Filthy Creations7 edited and illustrator by the notorious author and pencil man, Rog Pile presents the second episode in a major new serialisation: Sendings (a.k.a Moloch’s Children by David A Riley.
Also this issue, part two of my novel, The Death Tableau.
Both David A Riley and I had our first stories appear in the now legendary . Pan Books of Horror and of course David has gone on to establish himself as a major force in the horror world
Short stories in this issue:
The Architect’s Table by Penni McLaren Walker
Mycelium by Robert Mammone
Shapeshifter by Charles H Gallagher
All Endings Are Happy and The Final Climax by D F Lewis
The Wicket Man by Franklin Marsh
There are nine mono illustrations plus a colour cover by Rog Pile.
Filthy Creations 7 costs £3.00 including p&p but is free for review. Go to this link to immediately purchase this small but beautiful magazine which has already sold out its first run: